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Chicago Skyscrapers

Chicago's Towering Legacy: A Century of Skyscraper Innovation

The Birthplace of the Skyscraper

Chicago has long been synonymous with architectural innovation, earning its reputation as the birthplace of the skyscraper. Credited with inventing this iconic architectural form, the city's skyline has been transformed over the decades, leaving an enduring mark on the world of architecture.

Chicago's Soaring Skyline Today

As of January 2021, Chicago boasts an impressive skyline with 19 skyscrapers proposed or under construction. Among these towering giants are the One Chicago Square 1000M and Bank of America, testament to the city's continued architectural prowess.

An interactive visualization allows you to travel through time, witnessing the evolution of Chicago's skyline from the 1930s to the present day. This remarkable journey showcases the city's architectural ingenuity and its unwavering pursuit of vertical expansion.


